Congrats on the 100th, must try and get some Organic Pilsner.

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I'm looking forward to some more coverage of low and zero alcohol beers for home brewers - biggest challenge for the bigger brewers could be shelf life which home brewers will have less of a challenge with! Brew Your Own did a pretty good article on hop water (https://byo.com/article/hop-water/) and was fun to replicate in a 40L batch but did notice significant deterioration a month or so in. I'm also looking forward to the continuation of the Omega Top Crop series on some of the methods (https://topcrop.co/low-and-no-alcohol-beers-a-new-series) and a little more exposure into the biological methods and those coming onto the home brewer market.

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You know what — I had a line in originally about home brewers having access to all this info … and you’ve just confirmed what others are saying. And agree on the shelf life — I had some less than fresh the other day and it’ was shocking how bad it was compared to earlier versions… and thanks for those links. Will dig into them this week.

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